Muni Param Pujya Nayapadmsagarji, Maharaj Saheb, the Mentor and conceptualiser of JITO had a dream of uniting all Jains under one umbrella, thus Jain International Trade Organization, popularly known as JITO was formed. It is a global organization set to achieve socio economic empowerment, value based education, community welfare, practice of compassion, spread of global friendship and spiritual upliftment of fellow beings. JITO establishes a network, to plan, strategize and open avenues to solve issues related to trade and industry with its objective to achieve higher economic prosperity & to take care of the underprivileged and to enrich humanity with violence free, poverty free and disease free world. JITO Chennai Chapter was formed and inaugurated on the 19th August 2007.
The following initiatives were taken by JITO to form Jain administrative training foundation (JATF) Jain educational loan program (JELP), Jain Shraman arogyam, Jain employment assistance program (JEAP) Jain Educational Trust, (JET), Jain interdisciplinary training for graduates (JIT) Jain international women Organization (JIWO), Jain International youth Organization (JIYO). Sri. Lalith Mehta, was installed as the 2nd Chairman of JITO Chennai Chapter along with chief secretary Sri.Uday Metha and other officer bearers on the 8th May 2011 for the term 2011-2013 with the blessings from Jito MentorParam pujya Nayapadmasagarji Maharaj Saheb, In the august presence of Hon. Dr.G.Thiruvasagam, Vice Chancellor University of madras, Sri.Narendarji Baldota Chairman Board of Directors Jito. Sri.Champalalji Vardan President JITO Apex and other dignatories of various chapters around the world.