See JATF in Action

  • Company Name

    S K Singhi & Co.LLP

  • Postal Address

    Raja Chambers,1st Floor,
    4,Kiran Shankar Roy Road,

  • Email

  • Phone




Name : S.K. SINGHI
Place of Birth : Sardarsahar, Rajasthan
Business Address : Corporate office:
Raja Chambers,
4, Kiran Shankar Roy Road,
First Floor,
Kolkata – 700 001
Phone: 00-22318652:33-40056425
Branch Offices :
A. Tobacco House, 1,
Old Court House Corner,
Room No. 14, First Floor,
Kolkata – 700 001
Phone: +91 33-22625762
B. D-75,
East of Kailash,
GK-1, LGF,
New Delhi: 110065
Phone: +91 11 226425567/68/249067824
C. Mittal Court,
135/136 A Wing,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai: 400021
Phone: 022-22048652
Mr. Singhi started his career as freelancer consultant in the field of merchant banking, IPO & Issue Management and thereafter had opportunity of heading the legal department of a large conglomerate having diverse interest in various sector like textile, sugar, tyre, wagon, etc for more than a decade. During this period, he advised various corporate and industrial & Business houses on various complex issues and advised on the legal strategies to resolve the disputes successfully.

Mr. Singhi has started his full service law firm in the name of Mr. S.K. Singhi & Co., Advocates as a proprietorship firm on 01st November 2009 for providing quick and professional services and timely solution to complex legal issues. Mr. Singhi is well known personality in the corporate sector and has behind him a rich and vast experience of more than 33 years in dealing with corporate and legal matters of complex and varied nature. During these nine years of operation the firm has established its branch offices in New Delhi & Mumbai and have also established satellite office in the city of Gurugram. The firm has also undergone major changes and being a proprietorship firm is now converted into LLP in the name & style of “S.K. Singhi & Co., LLP, Advocates.” The firm has a total associates’s/professionals and executives strength of forty (40) plus which includes advocates, company secretaries, chartered accounmtants, etc working at its offices across all destinations.

Mr. Singhi has actively associated himself or through the firm with various trades, industry
and legal bodies and is a member of following -

  1. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
  2. Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICC)
  3. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)
  4. Bengal Chambers of Commerce & Industry (BCCI)
  6. Direct Taxes Professional’s Association. (DTPA)
  7. Association of Tax Lawyers (ATL)
  8. International Council of Consultants. (ICC)
  9. Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)
  10. Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF)
  11. Supreme court Bar Association
  12. Calcutta High Court Bar Association
  13. Incorporated Law Society (ILS), Calcutta High Court

Mr. Singhi also has been acting as arbitrator and has been instrumental in resolving
disputes of varied nature. Mr. Singhi is also on the panel of arbitrator of:-

  1. Indian Council of Arbitrator (ICA).
  2. Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
  3. Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)
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