Metro Global Ltd., Ahmedabad
Postal Address
I-7, Vyasarpadi Co-Operative Industrial Estate, Erukancherry High Road, Vyasarpadi, Chennai-400039
079 2640 3212
Family Background
- Hails from Balotra (Rajasthan). Family established the business of textile trading in Ahmedabad in 1962 primarily to cater to domestic market needs. The family business, however, lacked flexibility and its conventional nature limited the scope for rapid expansion and growth. Consequently, embarked on the first entrepreneurial venture by setting up a Dyestuff unit in 1975.
- The other units that came into being in quick succession established MetroChem as a leader in Dyestuff industry. The quality-consciousness and customer-focus earned for MetroChem Group an enviable and inimitable status and stature the world over.
- As CEO of MetroChem Industries, provided efficient and effective leadership for over three decades through adopting suitable corporate strategies, direction and control in all-round growth within a short time-span. MetroChem Industries Limited, the flagship company, has been awarded the ISO 9001 certificate of register firm for KPMG Quality register.
- The group turnover of MetroChem Industries was about Rs. 300 crore in 2007-08 and export accounted for more than 70% of the turnover. The Group's direct employment was around 1000.
- Diversifications in real Estate: In 2008-09 diversified in real estate business completed & under construction various residential, bungalows, apartments, commercial & industrial schemes
- MetroChem's obsession with quality is reflected in the creation and continuous upgradation of the in-house R&D/QA facility, Kroma Labs, with latest and sophisticated testing and analytical equipment. Kroma Labs is recognized by the Government of India, Department of Scientific Industrial Research.
Reward & Recognitions
- MetroChem has been recipient of National Exports Award for Outstanding Export Performance from Misnistry of Commerce and several other awards from Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Exports Promotion Councils and Dyestuff Manufaturers Associations (Gujarat and All-India), year after year.
Personal Achievements
- Udyog Patra Award by worthy hands of President of India shri Giani Jail Singh Ji.
- Udyog Vibhushan Award by worthy hands of President of India shri Shankar Dayal Sharma.
Professional Affiliations
- Chairman, Gujarat Research and Medical Institute (Rajasthan Hospital)
- Past President, Gujarat Dyestuff Manufaturers Association
- Past President, Rajasthan Seva Samiti
- Trustee-Mahavur Shiksha Sansthan, Ahmedabad
- Steering Committee Member-JITO(Jain International Trade Organization)
- Trustee-Lalji's Mehrotra School.
- Trustee-Lions Karnawati Shantaben Vishnubhai Eye Hospital,
- Managing Trustee, Mithalal Gautamkumar Charitable Trust
- Ex - Member, Executive Committee, Ahmedabad Management Association.
- Member - Executive Committee, Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Ex - Executive Member - Committee of Administration, Dyes Panel, CHEMEXCIL (Mumbai)
- Advisory Board Member-Club 07, Ahmedabad
Corporate Social Affiliations
- Actively involved in, and generously contributed to, developmental projects and efforts concerning Health and Education in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
- Contributed for Sumitra Mithalal Heart Hospital with modern medical equipment for highly advanced surgical interventions (including open-heart surgery).
- Set up and manage Shanti Niketan School at, Balotra under the auspices of Mithalal Gautamkumar Charitable Trust.
- Declared highest tax payer in Gujarat (and 32nd in India) by Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finanace, Government of India, in 1992.
Education | : | B.Sc. (Chemistry) , LL.B. (Taxations) |
Date of Birth | : | 18th June 1952 |
Marital Status | : | Married, 2 Daughters, 1 Son |
Residence | : | 7, Nandi Hill, Nr. Bhav-Nirjar Temple, Opp. ISRO, Satellite Road Ahmedabad |
Contact Details | : | +79-26746264/26763150 |
Office | : | 508-509, Shilp, CG-Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-pin-380009 |
: | gautam.jain@metroglobal.in |